Extreme conditions and events in Karst (16.-20.6.2025)
Climate changes and the unrestricted growth of population result in increasing frequency and intensity of extreme hydrological and climatic events in karst regions, posing significant threats to both people and the ecosystem. The 32nd International Karstological School will focus on monitoring these extreme events and understanding their underlying mechanisms, while exploring strategies for early warning, prevention, and mitigation of their impacts. The program will examine how surface changes influence the karst subsurface and provide a platform to share experiences, challenges, and solutions in monitoring such events. Additionally, attention will be given to extreme events in geological past, with insights drawn from cave sediments and other cave or surface formations. Finally, discussions will address policies and measures aimed at reducing the impact of extreme events on karst environments and the communities that depend on them. Participants are encouraged to contribute by sharing their experiences, the challenges they have faced and the insights they have gained.
Welcome to participate!
We have been organizing the International Karst School “Classical Karst” (IKS) since 1993. The school offers a framework in which both, young and established karstologists from all over the world present new research in the field of karstology, socialize and get to know Classical karst. Every year, we choose a leading topic, the history and state of research of which are presented by invited lecturers, while the other participants present their research in the form of lectures or posters. The red thread of the school are the afternoon and full-day excursions, where the leading theme is presented in the field sites of the Classical Karst. The last full-day excursion is entirely dedicated to the general presentation of the most important areas of the Classic Karst.
Save the date!
Postojna, 16 – 20. 6. 2025
Welcome to join us!